Robina Squash Club ….A fun day for all at Meadow Park Golf Course .
Ambrose golf day.

Robina Squash Club ….A fun day for all at Meadow Park Golf Course .
Ambrose golf day.
Winners of the 2017 Summer-Autumn Comp
The finals came down to the last 2 games on the night .
Congratulations to Team 4 defeating Team 3…….. 11 matches to 7 matches .
Team 4 v Team 3
Team 4 Winners and Preliminary Winners
The Teams
Golf Day Ambrose explained …. anyone listening ?
Action Shots
Winners are grinners – Closest to the pin , longest drive and wining team
BBQ Lunch Superbly Cooked
Hi Squashies
Another close final last night . Down to the last match on the night where Sai had to win in 3 games for an out right win but fell short loosing 2 games to 1 .
Team 2 winning……..10 games to Team 4……..8 games
Results as follows
Team 2 Team 4
Charl 2 games Mike 1 game
Robert 0 games Tim 3 games
Steven 2 games Sai 1 game
Paula 1 game David 2 games
Julie 3 games Karen 0 game
Kym 2 games Samual 1 game
Hi Squashies,
The grand final was closer than you think last night.
Team 2 (11 games) def Team 3 (7 games)
Team 2 won all 3 games that went to 15/16 points, if Team 3 won them, they would have won overall.
So much closer than it looks.
Congratulations to Team 2
Cheers Phil Touliatos